"My Collection" is an area in Leganto where you can store citations for future use. Both students and instructors can maintain their own personal Collections.
Click "Collection" from the Leganto sidebar, to access it.
Your Collection already includes all items you pinned to your "Favourites" while searching Omni.
If you're doing a broad search for course readings, consider starting in Omni and saving interesting items. When you're ready to make your list, you can drag items from these favourites into the list.
Click the "+" button at the top of My Collection to open a search window, then click "Add". Now you can add items by:
You can create your own TAGs for items, to help filter them later. You can also search the collection.
All citations can be edited within the collection.
Add items from your Collection into a List just the same as you add other items. After clicking "+" to "Add Items", choose the Collection tab. Drag-and-drop items into the list.