
Omni is our academic search tool. Search Omni for access to scholarly books, articles, and other material.

Working With Results


A "citation" describes an item. Your results show brief citations of each item. 

  • Click on a title to open the full citations, including links to full text.
  • OR, click "Available Online" to open the citation and move down to the full text links.

Screenshot of brief record.

The full citation opens in an overlay on top of your current search results. 

  • When you're done, close it by clicking on the large X.

Get Full Text: "Available Online"

screenshot of full text link

If the item is available online, you'll see links under "Full text availability".

If the items is available from more than one place, you'll see multiple links. Click a link to get to the full text.

You MUST be logged in to access full text.

The document opens in a new tab.

Physical Items

screenshot of physical location

Physical items provide the location and call number, so you can find them on the library shelf.

If they're not currently available for some reason, you'll see that.  If they're signed out to someone, for example.

Citation Options

Look in the top right of each citation for options on what you can do with it.

screenshot of brief record with options highlighted

Cite It

  • Click " to see how to cite the item, in your choice of styles.
  • Always check the details of your citation, to ensure accuracy; this is machine-generated.

Email It

  • Enter an email address to send this citation to yourself or someone else.

Save It

  • Pin the item to favourites (see details on the Saving page)

Grab the Link

  • Obtain a permanent link to this citation that you can use later to bring you, or someone else, right back to here.

Print It

  • Send this citation to a printer.

Import It

  • Import the citation into a citation manager software.


Poster showing Save Favourites, Email Citations, Send to a Citation Manager, and Create Citations