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Literature Review Assignment

Fall 2019


  • Your literature review should relate to the idea, concept or argument that is the focus of your seminar presentation and should include a minimum of five (5) scholarly sources.
  • A literature review is NOT an annotated bibliography. It is neither a list, nor a summary of your sources. In this review you should make clear that you read, understood and considered the sources you are including, but also tie them together in a way that connects to your seminar presentation.


There are many ways of expressing your topic, and you should try several of them. Some will work better in some databases than others, depending on whether the content focuses on medicine, law, or philosophy.  Always look through your results for ideas on other terms to try.

Possible keywords related to "Medical Assistance in Dying" are:

  • "physician assisted death"
  • "physician assisted dying"
  • "physician assisted suicide"
  • MAiD : (Note that a search engine probably won't distinguish between this and "maid".)
  • "assisted death"
  • "assistance in dying"
  • "assisted suicide"
  • euthanasia

It's best to use quote around a specific phrase, so it only finds items where those terms are together and have a special meaning.

You can sometimes use an Advanced Search and enter terms in different search boxes, joined with AND.

  • Example:

"physician assisted" or "medical assistance"


dying or death or suicide

  • Add another row for your specific topic:


"organ donation"

Play with it; it's a creative process, not a prescribed one.
