Publishing Open Access

This guide is meant to help Trent researchers with Open Access publishing options

Discounts & Pricing

APC Discount: 25% Hybrid

Authors affiliated with Trent University are eligible to receive a 25% discount on the article processing charge (APC) in T&F Open Select hybrid journals.

To access the discount

On acceptance in a hybrid journal, the author will be offered the choice to make the article open access. If they choose open access, they will be asked to generate a quote for the APC. When they select Trent Univeristy as their organisation, the discount will automatically be applied. The organization selection is mandatory and via a drop-down list rather than free text, to ensure accuracy in identifying affiliated authors. If an author has used Trent’s email domain, Trent will appear as the top suggestion.

The price shown in the quote will include a breakdown of list price, discount applied, and actual price. Once the author accepts the quote, they will be offered a choice of Creative Commons licences to sign.

The author selects the invoice payer (themselves or a third-party organisation), the invoice is sent out at the discounted rate. 


Taylor & Francis APC prices can be found using the Open Access Cost Finder.

Other Resources

OA Licensing Options

Authors can select a Creative Commons licence once they have accepted the APC quote. Visit Taylor & Francis' website for further details on the process.

For more information about Creative Commons licence options, see