Publishing Open Access

This guide is meant to help Trent researchers with Open Access publishing options

Discounts & Pricing

APC Discount: Hybrid 100% / Gold 20%

Hybrid Open Access

Authors affiliated with Trent University are eligible for unlimited open access publishing in over 1,800 Elsevier Hybrid Journals with no APCs. This includes any titles that convert from Hybrid to Fully Gold OA within the term of the agreement (January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2026).

Gold Open Access

Authors affiliated with Trent University are eligible to receive the following discounts on most Elsevier Gold Open Access journals:

  • 2024: 20%
  • 2025: 15%
  • 2026: 15%
  • 2027: 10%

To access the discounts

Eligibility for the APC waivers  is effective upon acceptance of articles beginning on January 1, 2024. Authors will be notified of their eligibility upon acceptance of their article in an eligible journal and their declaration of their affiliation with Trent University.

Authors should select their affiliation with Trent from the Corresponding Author's Organization drop-down list when completing the Rights and Access form.

Corresponing authors will be able to select from the following Creative Commons licence options: CC-BY or CC-BY-NC-ND.

Please review the author workflow document for further details.


The Elsevier APC price list is available to download at

More information about Elsevier publishing charges can be found at