Gender & Society is a peer-reviewed journal, focused on the study of gender. It is a top-ranked journal in both sociology and women's studies. The journal primarily publishes empirical articles, which are both theoretically engaged and methodologically rigorous, including qualitative, quantitative, and comparative-historical methodologies. Gender & Society also publishes reviews of books from a diverse array of social science disciplines.
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This list includes the most useful databases to search for Gender & Social Justice Studies. Which one works for you depends entirely on your topic and what you hope to find.
Focusing on the evolution of feminism throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the archive provides materials on women’s political activism, such as suffrage, birth control, pacifism, civil rights, and socialism, and on women’s voices, from female-authored literature to women’s periodicals. By providing the opportunity to witness female perspectives, Gale’s Women’s Studies Archive is an essential source for researchers working in Women’s History, Gender Studies and Social History.
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