When you want to find books in the Trent Library, search Omni
Use a keyword search to find items on a topic. For instance, to find books on the cultural significance of food in canada you might search for Canada and food and history.
Terminology Notes:
The Library Catalogue uses LCSH (subject headings) in most records, to help us identify items of interest. These can be general or specific, depending on your topic.
Sample subject headings for general topics:
Because by definition cultural studies entails the study of anything cultural, you will need to think a lot about your research topic before you begin searching to develop useful search terms.
The Library Catalogue tutorials in the box to the right are an excellent starting point to learn search basics.
Interlibrary loan is a system that allows you to request material from other libraries to be sent to Trent for you to borrow. Normally, there are no costs to use the ILL service. Plan ahead because it can take a few days or even weeks for material to be sent, depending upon availability.