Social Work

Starting points and links for your Social Work research.


Reflective Journaling

Case Studies

In the Group Ethical Planned Change Assignment, you are asked to find and describe a case study.  You'll find these in many books on social work, including your course textbooks.

Look for something like this*:

Image of a case study, as shown in a book. It is about 200 words, has a frame around it so that it stands out from regular text, and describes a specific family situation.

A case study describes a specific situation, providing names, history, and details important to a social worker.  They're used as examples for you to practice your skills.

*This case study comes from an e-book in our library catalogue:
Spray, C., & Jowett, B. (2012). Working with children and their families. In Social Work in Action series: Social work practice with children and families. (pp. 38-58). London: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: