Child & Youth Studies

Resources and assistance for research in Child & Youth Studies

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Omni even finds chapters within books.

Very Short Introductions


Adolescence is a turbulent period to live through. Marking the transition from the world of childhood to adult life, the adolescent faces many challenges and opportunities, including puberty, cognitive changes, forming their own identity, relating to often conflicting demands from parents and peers, and negotiating first romantic relationships.

Child Psychology

This book examines modern child psychology, tracing its development from birth up until early adolescence. Child Psychology studies the process of attachment and ‘bonding’, and it considers how secure attachments will enable the child to progress in the development of self-understanding.

Sample Books in the Library

Physical Books

Call Numbers

The most common LC Call Number ranges for Child & Youth studies are:

  • BF 721 - 723 (Child Psychology)
  • HQ 767 - 799 (Children, Child Development, Child Rearing, Youth, Adolescents, Teenagers)
  • HV 40 - 69 (Social Service, Social Work)
  • HV 701 - 1441 (Protection, Assistance, Relief - Children, Young Adults)
  • RJ 101-103 (Medicine, Pediatrics - Child Health, Child Health Services)
  • RJ 499 - 507 (Child Psychiatry)

As well as browsing these sections in the library, however, also search Omni to find e-books available through the library. 

Subject Headings

Although searching by subject heading is NOT usually the best way to start your research, knowing which headings are used for subjects helps you select appropriate keyword search terms.

Subject Headings given to Child & Youth Studies resources include:

  • Child abuse
  • Child development
  • Child Health Services
  • Child care (two words)
  • Child care services
  • Child welfare
  • Children
  • Foster home care
  • Homeless youth; Homeless children; Homeless families
  • Problem youth

Be sure to try many different keyword searches and look at your results to help you think of other keywords to use.


The following resources contain collections of e-books. Most offer the option to create an account for yourself and save books, as well as adding notations and highlighting. There is overlap between these collections, and you may find the same books in more than one place.  However, you may also find something not listed elsewhere.