History Subject Guide

Library resources in the field of history

CAST-1100H-A: Conflicted Canada

Your Research Paper requires choosing from one of two options (consult course syllabus for specific wording):

  1. A biographical paper about a historical or contemporary Canadian figure (not one talked about in lectures)
  2. A "historiographical" assessment of biography - how did historians/biographers write about a Canadian figure (can be someone talked about in lectures

This List of Books About Prime Ministers of Canada will help those doing Canadian prime minsters.


Searching Omni is your first step of research.

Omni Search Tips for Research Paper

1. Be 'signed-in' to Omni when searching so you can take advantage of features like saving searches and records of items you look at when searching.

2. Use the name of your historical figure and search term biography

Example: Pierre Trudeau biography

3. Look at the subject heading in Omni records to see if one exists that you can click on (subject headings are hyperlinked) to do an Omni search for everything with that heading.

Example: Trudeau, Pierre Elliott

4. Once you have basic knowledge of life of your subject think of events and achievements you can use as search terms

Example: Trudeau and October Crisis

Example: Mackenzie King and conscription

5. Try using the search term historiography combined with your historical figure

Example: Trudeau and historiography

6. Make use of 'limiters' down the left side of Omni search results to do things like limit results to resource type (books, articles, newspapers)

Use Canadian Periodical, Newspapers, and History Specific Databases Listed on The History Guide

Example: America: History and LIfe