Business Administration

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Omni even finds chapters within books.

Very Short Introductions


A guide to understanding and using accounting information which examines the key concepts and the main types of accounting work, from bookkeeping and financial reporting to auditing and management accounting. It traces the development of accounting over the centuries; examines the building blocks of financial reports, such as assets and liabilities; and looks at how accounting differs between countries and the importance of international standards.


Advertising is a diverse entity, and campaigns work (or fail to work) in a plethora of ways. How does the advertising industry work? What part do all the key players (the advertisers, the media, and the agencies) play? Where does the public sit in the world of advertising?


This discussion focuses on the rising omnipresence of brands, and analyses how they work their magic. It considers the incredible potency of brands as a commercial, social, and cultural force, and looks at the many different kinds of brands that exist—from products, services, and artistic properties, to companies, charities, sports clubs, and political parties.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been defined as ‘the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society’. Is CSR a contradiction in terms? Corporate This book shows that CSR holds much more value than it first appears, and shows how it has come of age in recent years.


This publication navigates the debates about entrepreneurship, providing a guide to the entrepreneurial process. Given its significant impact on modern market economies, there is a certain future for entrepreneurship in our increasingly globalized world. But what do entrepreneurs do? What is entrepreneurship and why is it important? What is distinctive about entrepreneurs?


This book looks at what innovation is and why it affects us so profoundly. It examines how it occurs, who stimulates it, how it is pursued, its outcomes—both positive and negative—and how it plays an essential role in economic and social development. Considering innovation today, and discussing future disruptive technologies such as AI, which have important implications for work and employment, this book considers the extent to which our understanding of innovation has developed over the past century and how it might be used to interpret the global economy.


This book examines the way leadership has evolved from its earliest manifestations in ancient societies, highlighting the beginnings of leadership writings through Plato, Sun Tzu, Machiavelli and others, to consider the role of social, economic, and political contexts undermining particular modes of leadership. Exploring the idea that leaders cannot exist without followers, and recognising that we all have diverse experiences and assumptions of leadership, this book looks at the practice of management, its history, future, and influence on society.

Management: a Very Short Introduction

This book looks at the history of management theory and modern practice, considers management in a social and cultural context, and explores issues of morality and accountability. Tracing the development of management over the last century, it looks not only at what managers do, but also provides an insight into modern management theory.


Introduces the concept of organizations by presenting definitions and ideas drawn from the a variety of subject areas including the physical sciences, economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, literature, and the visual and performing arts. Drawing on examples from prehistory and everyday life, from the animal kingdom as well as from business, government, and other formal organizations, this VSI provides a lively and thought provoking introduction to the process of organization.


Looks at how projects have developed since the industrial revolution to create the human-built world in which we live, work, and play. Considering some of our greatest endeavours—such as the Erie Canal, Apollo Moon landing, and Chinese eco-city projects—it identifies how projects are organized and managed to design and produce large and complex systems, cope with fast changing conditions, and deal with the immense uncertainties required to create breakthrough innovations in products and services. It concludes by considering how projects could be organized to address the challenges facing the post-industrial society of the 21st century.

Public Administration: A Very Short Introduction

Public administration ensures the development and delivery of the essential public services required for sustaining modern civilization. Covering areas from public safety and social welfare to transportation and education, the services provided through the public sector are inextricably part of our daily lives. Public Administration: A Very Short Introduction offers practical insight into the major challenges confronting the public sector in the globalized era.

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Physical Books

Call Number Range

The LC Call Number range for Business is HD - HJ.

  • Rather than browsing that entire section, however, it's best to search Omni for specific call numbers relevant to your topic and then see what's near them on the stacks
  • Not all items will be in one place, because many books cover more than one topic. 
  • Most new books are e-books, only available online - you'll only find these by searching Omni. They're not on the shelves.

Subject Headings

Although searching by subject heading is NOT usually the best way to start your research, knowing which headings are used for subjects helps you select appropriate keyword search terms.

Subject Headings given to Business resources are often very simple:

  • Management
  • Leadership
  • Business
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Accounting

There are over 250 items in the library under the general subject heading of "Management" and 200 for the term "Leadership". "Business" finds 5400, but "Business Administration" finds only 6. Start with a broad, general search and then look for ways to narrow it down.

Here are some sample specific subjects:

  • Social responsibility of business
  • Business ethics
  • Leadership in business
  • Decision making
  • Personnel management
  • Human capital
  • Corporate governance
  • Organizational change
  • Corporations
  • Finance
  • Financial statememts
  • Cash management

Be sure to try many different keyword searches and look at your results to help you think of other keywords to use.

Searchable E-Book Collections

A search in Omni finds all our books, including e-books. It sometimes finds chapters within books, as well.

The following links connect to publishers' sites which provide Business e-books.  Searching here is often at a deeper level, finding your search terms in chapters or pages within the book.  You'll likely find more results in these sites.

Sample Reference Books

Here is a sample of the kinds of online reference books you can find through the Library.  All these books are listed in the Library Catalogue, along with thousands more. The Library Catalogue provides a link to the e-book.